Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Random Thoughts in the Library being Next to a human germ bomb

Seriously folks, if you're a sneezy mcsneezerton of a coughy mcsougherson, don't go out in public. Some of us with preexisting chronic conditions made worse by contagious illnesses can't afford to get sick.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on that. Hi, it's me again, the one with 4 kids, all come home with germs. Have you tried immunity/energy booster called 'Emergen-C'? Tt's like Airborne, but cheaper and less intense taste. You could find it at Wal-mart. It comes in various flavours (powder/mix). I take it at least twice a day. It seems to help me stay away from the germs.

Western Wanderer said...

I think I might try that... the plague seems to have been going around Pittsburgh but so far I've been immune.