Friday, May 23, 2008


My two week sojourn in Maine was an interesting time. We arrived with two naked weeks ahead of us with no real plan on what to do. My co-campers were most interested in doing some serious hiking, so hiking we went.

I'm horribly out of shape. I'm getting better about it, but at the time I was horribly out of shape. When you have to devote a month of your life to literally nothing but papers, exercise tends to fall by the wayside. I didn't have the time nor the energy to use one of Pitt's ten billion gyms. Plus, I hate cardiovascular exercise. Always have. Even when I was a kid and an active gymnast in the best shape of my life I hated cardio. Since my heart can barely regulate itself sitting down, it doesn't have much of a chance when movement comes into the picture.

Hiking up mountains is something of a workout. For the first few hikes I went along but the first time we tackled a trail labeled "Strenuous" I lost it. The trail was literally crazy steep stairs for 1,000 feet in the air with LADDERS. I had to stop every 10 feet. I felt like I was going to pass out. My heart was all over the place. I was being cruelly reminded with every step I took that yes, I was different. It was then that my co-campers realized I wasn't having a good time at this and told me it was OK if I wanted to sit things out. So anytime they went on a hike labeled "strenuous" (which was every time after than except for one) I gladly sat in the car watching Angel on DVD.

Being alone in the woods, or even with other people in the woods, gives you a lot of time to think. Although the trip was an overall positive experience, I experienced a lot of darkness on the trip thanks to the POTS. I felt like a weak link. I felt useless. I felt like I was raining on everyone's good time and holding everyone up. The three I was with had been working out for about a month prior to the trip, but I didn't have the time nor the desire (because I hate cardio) to join them. So here they are running up the mountains like they're nothing and I'm some out of breath dragass. Great feeling. I resented them for a while until I realized they really weren't thinking negatively of me for being slow, they don't care. That's why I'm friends with them. They treat my illness like I want it to be regarded: as though it's some minor quirk like having a twin or being left-handed. I don't wish to attract attention because of it, just live among you. And most of the time I succeed.

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