Thursday, February 28, 2008

Atenolol's back!

I got my Atenolol in the mail yesterday I took my first redose today. This morning I woke up weak and knowing it was going to be a bad POTS day. I was on the verge of skipping class until I realized that today was proofing day here at work (I make the events calendar for a faculty and staff newspaper) and the extra 3 hours of sleep at that point would probably have just made things worse, so to class I went. I was using the cane from the get go today. I could feel the Atenolol kick in because around 10:30 I perked up a little more and my stomach started hurting. Still hurts. And I'm STILL full from a giant late dinner I had last night.

One interesting thing about being off the Atenolol is that at times I could actually taste the adrenaline in my mouth. Yeah, it really needed to be suppressed. I feel like I have slightly more energy now, but would love a nap later on today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I noticed a long gap on your blog entries. Hope you're alright. Your 4kids pots friend.