Friday, April 25, 2008

Woo doctor's appointment!

I went to the gynecologist (actually she was a nurse practitioner, but whatever) about the lump. She found it and thinks it's more than likely a lymph node acting up. But, to ere on the side of caution, I have an ultrasound on Tuesday.

The funniest thing was when I called to set up my appointment, the receptionist was just going out of her way to see if I had any questions or concerns and said everything really empathically, until she said rather sternly that I couldn't bring children to the facility. I found the contrast amusing, as well as the way she just went out of her way to be sensitive and nice. Most receptionists deal with things sort of matter of factly, which doesn't bother me since I'm used to that manner and I know they deal with this shit everyday.

My mom's friend who had a pretty rough case of lymphoma said that if my lump is tender it's actually a good sign.

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