Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy 2008 everyone!

I've made a new years resolution that will probably help a lot with POTS: don't drink alcohol as much.

I don't view myself as having a problem with it and usually I'm quite in control, but last night I overdid it and spent today paying for it. I figured it would be appropriate then to write about POTS and alcohol.

A couple of drinks now and again really doesn't have a negative effect on POTS as far as I can tell. If anything, it suppresses my adrenaline so I don't feel so tachycardic and tightly wound. Not that I'm recommending a couple of beers before work as a legitimate treatment, I'm just writing what I've noticed.

However, getting sick in any form makes my POTS symptoms ten times worse, and really bad hangovers are no exception. Throwing up makes me lose fluids that I badly need. Standing up is a beast. On top of that, I think my adrenaline levels are through the roof. I've been tightly wound with pretty bad tremors all day (I normally have a mild tremor).

The conclusion: alcohol in moderation really isn't that bad for this particular POTS patient. Overdo it and in addition to the traditional morning after, you also get to combat a lovely flare.

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