Sunday, January 13, 2008

Withdrawal Day 2

Todays withdrawal symptoms (at least, I think they're withdrawal) have been a headache and some feverlike activity. But the headache wasn't anything that some Ibuprofen couldn't knock out so I'm fine now. I managed to get my laundry done today (hauling it via rolling suitcase two blocks to the laundromat... not the ideal situation but it works).

I basically stopped taking my birth control as well. I ran out of it the other week and although I have a fresh supply I think I'm going to give it a rest for a while. I've been on it for about a year and half and I haven't heard good things about being on birth control long term. Since I have no reason to be on it right now, might as well give it a rest. Both birth control and Florinef are notorious for weight gain. Since I've stopped taking them both I've lost about 5 pounds.

I've begun doing a bit of exercise here and there but what I've been doing I KNOW can't be responsible for a 5 pound weight loss in a few days.

I guess I'll enjoy this new lightness while I have it since Atenolol has weight gain as a side effect.

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